Bôtan Spritz

A drink you can make any time with several of our spirits. You choose whether it will be our Bôtan Signature Blend, Citrus Spice, Pine Haze or Citrus Ginger. It all combines well with some Ginger Ale. Grab the ingredients and let's make a true non-alcoholic spritz.
30 ml - Bôtan Signature Blend / Citrus Spice / Pine Haze / Citrus Ginger
10 ml - High quality Yuzu juice or fresh lime juice (optional)
20 ml - Sugar water 1:2 (optional)*
100 ml - Premium Ginger Ale
Tumbler glass with cubed ice
3 leaves for decoration - Fresh Bay leaf
How to make it
- Fill the entire glass with ice cubes
- Strain the fresh lime juice using a fine sieve before usage
- Add Bôtan (30 ml), Yuzu juice (10 ml) and Ginger Ale (100 ml) to your glass
- In case you want to give the drink a sweet touch, add the sugar water 1:2 (20 ml)
- Decorate with bay leaves
*Make your own sugar water. Combine 1 cup of granulated sugar and 2 cups of filtered water in a pot. Bring to boiling and simmer until the sugar has dissolved. Allow cooking before storing in the refrigerator.